Friday 28 December 2018


Being overweight or obese can increase your chances of dying from severe diseases and disorders including hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, respiratory problems, and cancers.

Tobacco use being amongst the greatest preventable cause of illness and premature death in the U.S. which is now also called "Tobacco dependence disease." The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that smokers who try to quit are more successful than the one who has the support of their physicians and doctors.

Approximately 15% of U.S. AIDS cases occur in seniors over age 50 as seniors are unlikely to use condoms, have weakened immune systems and HIV symptoms including fatigue, weight loss, dementia, skin rashes, etc. that are similar to symptoms that can accompany old age. Another reason is that the seniors are not well represented in research, clinical drug trials, and prevention programs.

Even though we all are affected by pollution, but government study says that low-income and ethnic minorities are more likely to be affected more as they live in areas where they face environmental risks. The study also says that a higher proportion of elderly is living just a pinch over the poverty criteria.

Influenza and pneumonia are among the topmost causes of death for seniors. Emphasis on Influenza vaccination for seniors has helped but Pneumonia still remains one of the most serious infections, especially among women and seniors.

Attend 15th Edition of International Conference on Healthcare and discuss with Healthcare Professionals and innovators about the latest trends and technologies in Healthcare system.
Thanks and Warm Regards,
Alina Woods
Program Director | Healthcare 2019
Whatsapp: +44 2382146717

Friday 21 December 2018


In the modern world of medicine, things move fast, and experts from all over the world have proven that in a quicker speed before anyone could have anticipated. We can clearly see how technology is changing the healthcare as well as pharmaceutical world. Breakthroughs in everything from sleep to artificial organs are dramatically shifting the current paradigm.

The approval from FDA for gene therapy of inherited retinal diseases signals a new era for gene therapy, which suffered huge setbacks for years but is now seen pressing forward.
Patients having have a defective gene called RPE65 —responsible for production of a protein making light receptors in the eye — suffer from leber congenital amaurosis and retinitis pigmentosa, which now has an emerging hope. The treatment is made by Spark Therapeutics known as Luxturna which is injected into the eye and uses a benign virus in order to deliver healthy copies of the gene to the retina. Completely not a cure but it can substantially improve eyesight as per the researchers. But per onetime treatment it comes along with a whopping price tag of $850,000.

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) also known as bad cholestrol is a major cause of heart disease. And certain new drugs with combinations can lower its level by 75%. PCSK9 inhibitors, along with statins, have proven to be powerful at reducing bad cholesterol numbers. Roizen says that it could also help people to truly change their lifestyles and focus more towards healthy living. A number of trials are being tested on this theory just to see how low LDL levels should go. Doctors are now having tools and research to help reduce cardiovascular death caused due to LDL.

A large amount of hospital care units alarms are deemed unnecessarily and in order to monitor those alarms at the time of intervention a turning point is setup “mission control”  which can spot trends and using AI it can even predict which patients will get in trouble and allows doctors and nurses to intervene ideally before it becomes critical. And due to this strategy hospitals are able to discharge patients quicker.

Sleep apnea is a disorder affecting 22 million people and leading to high blood pressure, heart diseases and strokes. Popular treatments are also available like a CPAP machine, might be effective, but seem to be ineffective for people with sleep apnea. Neuromodulation is a new way to treat sleep apnea which acts as a pacemaker for poor sleepers. The implant is controlled by a patch worn during sleep that stimulates the patient’s sleep and ensures that key airwaves are kept open during sleep. Clinical tests have shown that they are certainly more comfortable for patients than a CPAP device.

Diabetes kills more people every year than AIDS and breast cancer combined, says report. Now the people suffering from Type 1 Diabetes have a ray of hope: A hybrid close-loop insulin delivery system. The technology is essentially an artificial pancreas, is expected to become more widespread as more patients are demanding the technology and insurers reimbursing the system. It uses computer algorithms and automatically delivers an adequate supply of insulin to the body. Approved by the FDA, it enables direct link between a glucose monitoring device and an insulin pump stabilizing a person’s blood glucose level. 

Warm Regards,
Alina Woods
Program Director | Healthcare 2019
Ph: +44-2033182512 | Whatsapp: +44 2382146717

Monday 17 December 2018

Beautiful warm weather, warm beaches are the settlements of Barcelona in the month of May which makes it a fantastic place to visit for those who can’t take the summer heat. Being the peak of Spring there is something for everybody to visit in Barcelona, whether it is flowers, lights, music or museums. Read on and discover what is there for you to visit in Barcelona in the month of May!!

·        Fira de Sant Ponç
You are in luck, If you are into medicinal herbs and honey,! May 11th is the feast day by Saint Ponç is the patron saint of herbalists and beekeepers. On that special day, El Raval neighbourhood gets filled with the herbal aromas of more than 80 stalls lined up on L’Hospital Street where you you can also find jam, preserved fruit, essential oils, and natural cosmetics.


·        International New Rose Competition

Ever heard of a New rose competition?A public competition for plant breeders that specialise in new species of roses showcasing varieties never seen by the public before. This is a must-do for all flower lovers that is going to take place from 11th to 13th of May in Barcelona at Parc de Cervantes. It is alovely way for all to spend a day surrounded by the scents and fragrances of flowers and spring!

·        Girona Flower Festival – “Temps de Flors”

Girona is quite popular with Games of Thrones fans that is definitely worth a visit. It is from 12th to 20th may, the streets of the city are decorated with flower installations during the annual Flower Festival. This is definitely the best time to be in Girona!


·        Ciutat Flamenco Festival

Celebrating its 25th year in Barcelona, Ciutat Flamenco Festival showcases important names of the flamenco scene including new artists and upcoming figures. These are very special concerts as they show more experimental ways of bringing art to the great public. It takes place between the 17th and the 27th at different venues in Barcelona during May. There are many places to enjoy specified music and dancing in the city.

·        The Night of the Museums
19th May is a very special night as all the museums in the city celebrate the International Museums Day. Not only you can see the main rooms of the museums for free but there are plenty of exhibitions and activities to keep everyone entertained. Music ?Theatre ?Circus ? There is a place for everything and everyone on this very special night. Don’t miss it if you are in Barcelona in May!


·        15th Edition of International Conference on Healthcare

Euroscicon is proud to host the 15th Edition of International conference on Healthcare taking place on May 27-29 in Barcelona. The Healthcare 2019 conference has become a premier forum to network, learn and engage with professionals, academicians, scholars, researchers and activists in creating a platform to discuss and disseminate meaningful messages, values and practices in the subject of health and primary care.


·        Primavera Sound Festival

30th May to 3rd June is among one of the main music lovers dates in Barcelona’s calendar i.e., the Primavera Sound Festival. The programme is incredibly huge with around 200,000 visitors. 16 different stages are set to recharge your batteries in between concerts.

May is a high spring season and the prices for accommodation will reflect this. There is no other way around it. But we do have cheap accommodation prices including benefits other than the accommodation.

Thanks and Warm Regards,
Alina Woods
Program Director | Healthcare 2019
Ph: +44-2033182512 | Whatsapp: +44 2382146717

Wednesday 12 December 2018


 Since the past few years, the use of mobile devices by health care professionals (HCPs) has been transforming many aspects of clinical practice. Mobile devices and phones have become a highlighted commonplace in health care settings, leading to rapid growth in the development of medical software applications. Several apps are now available to assist HCPs with many important tasks, from information and time management; health record maintenance and access; communications and consulting; reference and information gathering; to patient management and monitoring; clinical decision-making; and medical education and training.
Health-companion apps that help patients manage chronic conditions such as diabetes and asthma have been emerging as a fast-growing and potentially disruptive segment of the healthcare market. Various apps are also offering a way to collect vast quantities of real-world patient data that can be used as a source to improve treatment protocols and drug development. In today’s environment, apps can be created by anyone with a good idea and some programming skills and providers are adopting the use of mHealth in the form of mobile apps in order to ease the clinical communication between providers and patients as well as improve the management of hospital workflows.
Mobile apps allow providers to effectively link communication between patients, providers, and their caregivers and allows 24/7 management of a patient’s condition along with the ability to personalize healthcare depending on the patient.
Apps have also led to reduced costs in workflow management. Providers are making use of it and leveraging mobiles apps as a secure platform to manage and access their healthcare data without compromising the security and privacy of patient’s data. All these reasons have comprehensively brought a rise in the number of mHealth App Users, globally, leading to an increase in the positive sentiment quotient in terms of Mobile Health which was seemingly unrealized two years back became massive in 2017 and is all set to reach a level in 2018.
•    When it comes to mHealth apps, a quick search on the Play and Apple Store will give you a highlight of how Telemedicine Services has become the top most choice for Healthcare. Even doctors feel Telemedicine is a far much better way to treat and monitor diseases and conditions than regular visits.
•    Users now have the ability to monitor their fitness routine more effortlessly through wearables and this led to an increase in the demand for fitness app development,
•    AI holds the potential to reduce the frequency of clinic visits and a reduction in the involved medical costs. Its other benefits include Self Examination for the Patients and opportunities to conduct complex operations using technology, without a patient, for the Doctors.
•    Health insurance companies are yet to come into the mobile app market. But, Majority of companies in the HIC market assume that the patients will be agreeing on sharing health data with them if they get a cheaper plan in return.
•    Mobile Payment is also in the list of Healthcare App Development Trends. As you can make a much smoother transaction in emergency situations and even at odd hours. By this patients will no more have to worry about keeping cash with them at all times and standing in lines to pay.
Want to know more about healthcare!!??Visit:
Thanks and Warm Regards,
Alina Woods
Program Director | Healthcare 2019
Ph: +44-2033182512 | Whatsapp: +44 2382146717

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Our immune system does a remarkable job of defending you against disease-causing microorganisms. But sometimes, a germ invades successfully and makes us sick. Now the question arises, how can we improve our immune system?  The immune system is not a single entity that means for it to function well, one must acquire balance and harmony. There are still some secrets that researchers don't know about the immune response leading to no direct proven links between lifestyle and enhanced immune function. But that doesn’t mean that they both aren’t interconnected. Researchers are studying the effects of various factors on the immune response, both in animals and in humans.
In order to live a healthy life, one must bring his/her immunity into action making it able to defeat invading pathogens on its own without any external force.
The immune system can be bolstered by healthy-living strategies such as:
•    Avoiding smoking.
•    Eating fruits and vegetables.
•    Exercising regularly.
•    Maintaining a healthy weight.
•    Drinking alcohol only in moderation.
•    Getting adequate sleep.
•    Taking steps to avoid infection
•    Trying to minimize stress.
How to boost immunity in a healthy way???
Boosting the cells of your immune system isn’t that easy as it sounds because of different kinds of cells involved in the immune system responding to different microbes in different ways. So which cells should you boost, and how much? What is clearly proven is that our body continually generates immune cells and the extra cells are capable of removing themselves through a process of cell death called apoptosis. Some die before seeing any action and some after winning the battle against pathogens.
Immune system vs. Age
The capability of our immune response reduces with age leading to increased rate of age-related conditions. Some scientists observed that this increased risk correlates with a decrease in T cells with a loss of ability to fight off infection. There appears to be connectivity in elderly between nutrition and immunity as they eat less and have less variety in their diets.
Immune system vs. Diet
If you suspect your diet is not providing you with all your micronutrient needs — may be, for instance, you don't like vegetables — taking a daily supplement may bring other health benefits, beyond any possible beneficial effects on the immune system but taking mega doses of any supplement does not. More is not always necessarily better.
Immune system vs. Stress
Stress is difficult to define as what may appear to be a stressful situation for one person is not for another. Modern medicine has come to appreciate the closely linked relationship between mind and body.
Immune system vs. Exercise
One of the pillars of healthy living is regular exercise. It not only improves cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure but helps control the body weight, and protects against a bunch of diseases. But does it boost your immune system naturally and keep it healthy? Similarly, like a healthy diet, exercise contributes to good health and hence to a healthy immune system. It contributes even more by promoting good circulation, allowing the cells of the immune system to move through the body freely and do their consecutive job efficiently.
Desire to know more about health and immunity? Visit:
Get your slots booked and grab the early bird special prices.
Thanks and regards,
Alina Woods
Program Director | Healthcare 2019
Ph: +44-2033182512 | Whatsapp: +44 2382146717

Healthy Habits during pregnancy | Health | Pregnancy | Gynecology | Physicians | Hospital | Pharmacy | Drugs | PrenatalCare | Exercising | Alcohol | Smoking | Diets | Supplement | Multivitamins

Here are 10 tips to help you ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby in order to optimize the mother’s and baby’s health before, durin...