Thursday 21 February 2019



Some body fluids might make you gag, but these substances actually help us in fighting germs, preventing allergies, counteracting cavities, and many more. Here are some body fluids that actually keep you healthy:
Mucus serves as the first line of defence in your nose and keeps your airways moist so that they can work properly, by trapping and killing bacteria, dust, pollen, and other airborne particles with the help of antibodies and enzymes. When an allergen invades and irritates your nose, the mucus-making membranes make extra mucus in order to remove out the uninvited guests.

Ear Wax
Ear wax protects and moisturizes the ear canal by trapping dust and bacteria to prevent them from entering and damaging our ear. Tests have shown that ear wax has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, so one must keep cotton swabs away from ears as the cotton could scratch the canal, or you might push more wax in than you remove, which could lead to an earache or even hearing disability.

Pus might look gross but its presence means that your infection fighters are working properly by engulfing something with the help of an anti-inflammatory or anti-bacterial. One must never pop a zit, which could spread the pus and can possibly cause more infection and scarring.

Eye Gunk
Eye discharge is amongst the body’s natural defence system to wash away irritants, and shedding of the cells that line the outside of the eyes. Normally our eyes tear at a slow rate to maintain lubrication, but when foreign matter invades into our eyes, some tear glands ramp up their output, forming eye discharge.


The body functions best around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. When our internal mercury rises, we perspire; as the sweat evaporates off our skin, our body cools down. Amount of sweat pumped out from our body depends on the number of sweat glands we have, some people have 2 million, while others have up to 4 million.

Diarrhoea alerts us to food sensitivities and intolerances, such as to lactose. It is our body’s way of ejecting or removing out undesirables. Chronic diarrhoea usually signals a functional disorder,If diarrhoea lasts more than two days, you might have severe stomach or rectal pain, or if your stool contains blood or pus, kindly see your doctor.

Saliva helps keep our teeth clean, moistens our mouth, facilitates swallowing, and contains enzymes that break down food and start the digestion process.

Water Blister
Water blisters act as natural bandages, as long as the blister stays intact, the injury beneath will heal on its own. Cover a small blister with a bandage and large one with a gauze pad; change the dressing once a day until the blister deflates away. If a blister needs to be drained or seems infected, see your doctor.

After our body extracts the nutrients from food, waste products are left behind in the blood. That’s where the kidneys start working by filtering urea, from our blood and uses it to produce urine. Peeing is a way our body eliminates waste and extra water from our body.

Vomiting is just another way our body gets rid of things that irritate it, which often subsides within a day. To feel better while you wait, stay hydrated, avoid strong odours, and eat light foods. Sometimes vomiting is a symptom of something serious, the presence of blood could indicate ulcers, torn blood vessels, liver failure, or may be cancer. Contact your doctor if you’ve been vomiting longer than 24 hours, have symptoms of dehydration or if there's blood in your vomit.

Conference Name: 15th Edition of International Conference on Healthcare
Conference Website:
Conference Venue: Barcelona, Spain
Conference Date: May 27-29, 2019

Friday 15 February 2019

Human Health and Climate Change

Climate change also known as the enhanced greenhouse effect or global warming is the alteration of the world’s weather systems brought about by human activity which isn’t just bad for the planet’s health but it’s bad for people’s health too. The effects of climate change on human health will vary by age, gender, geography, status and so will the remedies. 

Causes of climate change
One of the major cause of climate change is an increase in the percentage of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which leads to a rise in the earth’s average temperature. In general, in the past 50 years, the rate of deforestation and burning of fossil fuels have dramatically increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere.

Crop declines could lead to 
under nutrition, and increase in the food prices.
More CO2 in the air could make crops like barley and soy less nutritious.
Increase in occupational
hazards such as heatstroke, especially among farmers and workers.
Hotter days, more rain, and higher humidity will lead to production of more ticks, which can spread infectious diseases like Lyme disease.
More heat can mean longer
allergy and more respiratory disease.
More rain increases
mold and fungi, and other indoor air pollutants.
Trauma from such climatic conditions can lead to mental health issues.
Those already afflicted with
malnutrition and diarrhoea—tend to be most vulnerable to heat-related illnesses.
Drought and water shortages harm rural areas and millions of city dwellers.
More severe storms can cause city sewage systems to
overflow leading to increase in health issues.

How to fix:
Climate change is a problem of personal consumption. Swiss scientists say that people can limit the effects if we used just 2,000 watts of power a year per person. The average American consumes 12,000 while a Bangladeshi uses 300. Lifestyle choices can help in the drop of the numbers like shrinking your space which can bring both psychological and financial benefits. We just need to start getting rid of clutter and we will be ending with lower utility bills, less space to clean, and more outdoors. Nothing beats walking or biking if you want to use the cleanest mode of transportation, which creates zero greenhouse gases. Nowadays, banks are offering “green bonds” which let investors link their money to environmental causes. These bonds are similar to regular bonds, just they fund projects that help people adapt to it.

Wish to learn more about Healthcare and Environmental Health, Attend Healthcare Conference going to be held in Barcelona, Spain from May 27-29, 2019. For more info, visit:

Thursday 7 February 2019


What does your gender have to do with health? Are men healthier than women or women healthier than men? The answer is too complicated as in some areas, men fare better; in others, women.
Women tend to live longer than men, but when you compare the health of men and women who lived more, the men were generally in far better health then women. Men have a 60% higher mortality rate largely because of heart diseases, which are often caused due to smoking and other behaviours which also increases rates of lung cancer and emphysema.

Along with whether we are male or female, genetics and lifestyle are among the key factors that play a role in our health. But there are some things we do know about sex and health
·         Heart diseases are the leading cause of death in both sexes, but women develop it later than men. Among people with diabetes, women have higher rates of heart disease.
·         Men are more likely than women to develop blood pressure issues before age 55. After that, it reverses its cycle, and women are more likely to acquire it.
·         At younger ages, women have a lower risk of high cholesterol but over time, both sexes are at about the same risk. Men are more likely to have strokes, while women are more likely to die from them.
·         When on one hand women have stronger immune systems than men, then on the other they have three times as many autoimmune disorders.
·         Boys tend to have more allergies and asthma than girls up until puberty. But after puberty, females are more prone to them.

Acquiring Healthy Behaviours

It is even a mixed bag, when you look at how our habits and behaviour affects our health. Women are more likely to see a doctor on a regular basis than men and are more concerned about their
health. Where men exercise more than women, yet they have a higher rate of overweight and obesity. There is a drop in number of people of both the sexes in the US who smoke but smoking still remains the leading cause of preventable diseases and deaths. 
So what’s the catch? You can’t control your gender, but you can lead a healthy lifestyle that will definitely reduce your risk for some of the main causes of serious diseases. You’ve heard it before and will hear it always, but a healthy diet, lifestyle, exercise, reducing stress, not smoking and staying at a healthy weight are going to optimize your well-being, irrespective of your gender.

Be a part of Healthcare Conference 2019 | Barcelona, Spain | May 27-29

Healthy Habits during pregnancy | Health | Pregnancy | Gynecology | Physicians | Hospital | Pharmacy | Drugs | PrenatalCare | Exercising | Alcohol | Smoking | Diets | Supplement | Multivitamins

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