Friday 25 January 2019

Infectious Disease Concerns in 2019

There is always a possibility of an unknown pathogen emerging and wreaking havoc at any given time in an any part of the world. But any infection considered to be a national or global threat in some year can be eliminated in the other. Still, professionals from health care community have a pretty good idea of which specific pathogens, or risk factors could contribute to some upcoming major outbreak in 2019.

Antibiotic Resistance

When asked to any Specialist or expert regarding their fear of infectious diseases and what they tell is antibiotic resistance, which is an important public health threat which can lead to several deleterious effects.

Vaccine Hesitancy

The emerging hesitancy of vaccinating could lead to the re-emergence of infectious diseases which have been previously eliminated. Studies report that several cities are vulnerable to measles because of opposition to vaccination. 

Candida Auris
Candida Auris was amongst the most emerging infection of 2018 and continues to be the same in 2019 as well. It is a type of yeast, particularly pesky as it is oftenly multidrug-resistant, outbreak-prone in health care-related settings, clever and difficult to identify. There have been nearly 500 cases in the United States in the month of December, 2018.As per the research it is easily transmitted and can readily contaminate health care environments. It’s difficult to treat and causes severe infections like invasive candidiasis.

The Opioid Epidemic

Experts warn that the opioid epidemic could be amongst the major culprit of the next major infectious disease outbreak. People injecting drugs are also at a higher risk of contracting hepatitis and HIV, and MRSA bloodstream infections or cellulitis at the site of injection.  And now clinicians are even tracking the orally administered opioids for their consequences.

Ebola and Other Hemorrhagic Fevers

With increment in Ebola cases, the infectious disease community has been particularly focusing on its outbreak. The current uncontrolled outbreak, the funding issues, and the long-term efficacy of the developed vaccine are sure to keep the Ebola virus at the top of outbreaks in 2019 as well. Other hemorrhagic fevers like Lassa Fever in Nigeria and Marburg are also garnering some public attention because of their high fatality rate in humans.

Meet great infectious disease preventionists and specialists, and learn more emerging trends and diseases at the Healthcare Conference.
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Thanks and Regards,
Healthcare 2019

Thursday 17 January 2019

Healthy weight for adults

Your risk of several diseases can increase either you weigh too much or too little. It is always a good idea to keep an eye on your weight just to make sure that you stay healthy.


Effect of weight on health

Whether you are overweight or obese, your risk of developing a whole range of health problems increases. These include conditions such as:
·         heart disease 
·         high blood pressure
·         asthma
·         osteoarthritis 
·         Cancer, etc.

On the other hand, being underweight is associated with conditions such as:
·         osteoporosis 
·         poor muscle strength
·         reduced immune function
·         fertility problems

Keeping to a healthy weight can help you reduce your chance of developing these health related problems.

What does a healthy weight mean?

The most common way of measuring your healthy weight for your height is to calculate your body mass index or BMI which is used to estimate if you have a healthy weight for your height.
You can work out your BMI using the BMI calculator.
BMI is classified as follows.
·         Less than 18.5 = underweight
·         18.5–24.9 = healthy weight
·         Over 40 = morbidly obese

BMI is related to your risk of various diseases, i.e., if your BMI increases, risk of getting various diseases increases.

Along with benefits, BMI comes with a few limitations as well:

BMI is not always very accurate in certain groups of people or because of other factors
·         Children’s weight change as they grow
·         Having a lot of muscle.

Body shape and waist circumference

Your fat storage body part indicates clearly risk to your health. For example, Storing fat around your abdomen is considered to be worse than storing it around your thighs and bottom.
Here’s how to measure your waist circumference properly.
·         Don’t pull the tape snug in.
·         Breathe out and measure your waist.

Low risk of health problems
·         men = less than 94cm
·         women = less than 80cm (31 inches)

High risk of health problems due to weight
·         men = 94–102cm

Very high risk of health problems

·         men = more than 102cm
·         more than 88cm

How to maintain a healthy weight

·         you lose weight if you use up more calories than you taking in
·         you'll maintain your weight if you keep your calories balanced by using and taking in calories at a definite rate.

Other factors are also taken into consideration: for instance, your genetic make, some medical conditions can also affect your weight.
Following points are worth thinking:
·         What you eat.
·         How much activity you do.

Hoping to see you in Barcelona.
Thanks and Regards.

Friday 4 January 2019


#1 With every beat of our heart blood is sent through 60,000 miles of blood vessels, where it delivers important nutrition and oxygen to all our organs and tissues. 
#2 If we stretch the blood vessels in your body end-to-end, they’d circle the Earth almost 2.5 times!
#3 Research suggests a good belly laugh can increase your blood flow by 20%. The positive effects of this may last for 24 hours.
#4 On an average, a woman’s heart beats 78 times per minute while the average man’s beats 70 times.
#5 An octopus has three hearts and blood of blue color. Two of the hearts in an octopus pump blood to the gills, while the third circulates it throughout the rest of the body.
#6 Before 1816 when the stethoscope was not invented, doctors used to listen to a patient’s heart by placing their ear to the patient’s bare chest. Later a French doctor, thought this approach to be awkward and of limited clinical value, used a rolled paper sheet to create an aural tube that led to the invention of the stethoscope.
#7 The topmost killer of women in America is heart disease which is more deadly each year than all forms of cancer combined together.
#8 Sadly, around 133,000 Americans die of heart attacks each year. 

#9 Our heart pumps 1 million barrels of blood in an average lifetime which is enough blood to fill more than 1,500 Olympic sized swimming pools
 #10 Our heart looks nothing like Valentine's heart instead it is actually shaped more like an upside-down pear.  
#11 Tiny heart of an Etruscan shrew hammers away an amazing 835 times a minute!  
#12 An adult heart pumps enough blood per minute to fill 38,000 drinking glasses each day!  

#13 Studies suggest angry outbursts can boost the chance of heart attack and stroke. Keep Calm and … Keep your heart healthy!
#14 Our heart pumps blood to trillion cells throughout our body except for our corneas.
#15 Studies have found yoga is effective in lowering down our blood pressure by slowing down the heart rate. 
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Thanks and regards.

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